ladies & gentlemen – we proudly present
the one and only ROCKETSTARFUCKERS:
Better known by the name of “WORLD´s WORST RnR BAND”!
This name is not only program but lifestyle – loud, obnoxious, notorious, and humourous without beeing stupid! Whoever lives up to the rules of political correctness and considers himself “important” is going to learn his lesson in self-irony, cause SHLONG are the living and laughing proof, that rock music, above all should be at least one thing: rebellion and fun!
Those who understand the irony between the lines get it right away: here we got WORLD`s WORST ROCK’n ROLL BAND, screaming their loungs out and earning this title by rocking and sweating hard – and those are the moments „as precious as your last cigarette“...
And that’s exactely why this band is still going to turn down multi-million-dollar-deals and keep on doing what they do best: roaming around the centraleuropean club-scene, and rocking places with their songs about driving, eating, making phonecalls, masturbation, getting drunk and smoking pot – topics, that keep live bearable, and that maybe help preventing to get stuck in some little shithole village were you might end up marriing your cute little neighbour.
Or maybe they just do it because bigotry and conformity certainly don´t need another kiss but a screaming “fuck you!!!” and a middle finger.
And that´s what makes these guys the ROCKETSTARFUCKERS everybody wants to be.
Speak out loud the holy words of sell-out:
…and you will find:
The art of sucking is a true art indeed! – and as we all certainly do know that there are various forms of sucking in this political world of multi-media-billion-dollar-business-network-shit deals these days – HEY - you know what, these guys at least suck with style !!!
So don´t be too shy and step right in - into the SHLONG microcosm, where everthing is grooooooovy , mellow and lovely melodies.
(c) 2025 - all rights are served - contact